Thesis Study

For my thesis study, I developed multiple applications based on an EVD training simulator for trajectory training. The purpose of these applications was to be used as a factor of comparison in an effort to determine if any of the hardware devices, or modalities (AR vs VR) were preferable for medical technical skills training. The application was based off of an exsiting simulator, then completely remade in Unity3D and deployed to multiple devices: HTC Vive, Microsoft HoloLens 2, Meta Quest 2 and Android phone (powered by Vuforia).

More information on the findings and for a more complete explanation about the study done, please refer to my doctoral thesis.

Below several images can be seen of the applications in action:

Vive A screenshot of the application in action using the HTC Vive version.

Quest2 An image of the application ready to run for the Quest 2.

HoloLens An image of the application ready to run for the HoloLens.

HoloLens A screenshot of the application in action from the HoloLens point of view.

Task in action A screenshot of the application in action using the Android version.